Writing Resolutions 2018

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A new year has come around, so it’s time for new writing resolutions!

I think these goals will be a bit more realistic than my last year’s goals. My intentions to complete previous resolutions were honest and true, but sometimes life gets in the way. This year, I hope, is different. As a result, some of my resolutions will be the same as years prior.

Keep Reading: Life and work got a little intense last year so my weekly reading disappeared. I really need to get back into it and in doing so, I want to stay true to my goal to read primarily stories from ownvoices writers and WoC. I have a good amount backlogged from last year, but any suggestions are welcome!

Send New Story to Betas: Steps in drafting my WIP have gone smoothly, so I’d like to start the beta process soon. Seeing what others think about the story and how to improve it will really get me closer to the finish line there.

Set Smaller Goals: My biggest issue has been setting lofty goals I want to work toward, but sometime aren’t attainable in the given time frame. When I don’t succeed in the time expected, it feels like failure. In remembering some goals take time, I will set and appreciate smaller ones to keep me on track to larger ones.

Stay Positive: The last few years have been a test in my ability to stay optimistic despite crushing reality. So, this year I hope to keep looking for the silver linings in things, the positive outcomes from even the hardest events.

Keep Moving Forward: Above all, I want to continually work towards whatever my next goal is. This connects with the two resolutions above. No matter what happens, I want to be sure I keep moving forward to the next thing. Whatever that may be. This last year I felt overwhelmed with not seeing a way forward, so my hope is to find that this year no matter what.

Do you have any resolutions to help with your writing (or life) this year? Share them if you’d like!


Source: You Are What You Write

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