Shelved Stories

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Today, I’m thinking about shelved stories.

Those lonely ideas you treasured once upon a time that are now stuck in a state of completion but are no longer relevant. Maybe they couldn’t make it when you queried, or couldn’t catch an eye on sub, perhaps they’re the stories your readers and writing friends thought needed too much work for you to continue. Whatever the reason, they’re stuck on the shelf, with no purpose…right?

Those old shelved ideas can be useful in a lot of ways!

Help You Grow:

The hours and effort you put into a story passion is never wasted and the amount of work that went into these shelved ideas is no different. Through the course of writing, I’m sure you found ways to develop your craft or tweak your writing process. Each story is a step in the right direction, so every shelved book helped you grow to where you are today.

Provide Text:

While the ideas and plot may be very different book to book, perhaps your old writing could be repurposed and bits could be used in a new novel. It might be a description worth a few words, the way you pulled a sentence together, or maybe even whole paragraphs. Those old words might be able to find a new home in your current project so it’s worth reviewing past text for hidden gems.

Learn From Mistakes:

If a concept didn’t come together, or didn’t sell the way you wanted, take the lessons learned from that experience to heart. I’ve found character issues, pacing problems, or even the way ideas intermix to be what held different stories back and I’ve kept that in mind for future books. So thank your shelved projects for lighting the way down a new and more polished path.

Reimagine Old Ideas:

For some of our shelved books, they will never see the light of day again. You know the one! But, maybe there’s an idea buried in its pages that could contribute to something new. Perhaps that lump of inspiration could be planted in a better garden and blossom into a shiny new concept. Take from those well-rested stories your best bits and give them a better platform, a new opportunity for success.

A Good Laugh: 

Let’s be honest, some of these shelved books that should stay hidden could be good for a laugh or two if you have the time. Reading old writing can be hard to get through, sure, but it can also highlight where you’ve come from and where you’re going, too!

A New Start

Maybe this story was the one that got away. The concept you always knew in your heart could make it but for whatever reason didn’t. After time away and new perspective, it could be the right time for a fresh beginning. Start with a blank page and write everything out from a new angle. Who knows what new shape it will take!

What other uses have you found from your shelved stories? Were they helpful? Share them here 🙂

Source: You Are What You Write

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